"The definition of insanity is repeating the same behaviors and expecting a different outcome." Einstein
We have all read the books and been excited by the ideas. The question is how do we implement them?
The ideas are many parts of the solution which apply to many different areas of an organization. When we try to put them together, we find it is like trying to put individual round pegs into our organization’s multiple square holes. They simply don’t go together.
SignalRoad’s mission is to solve this problem. We enable Organizational Effectiveness.
The answer is not the round pegs, but the square holes. That is, the majority of organizations are structured based on vertical functional silos. Work processes and communications flow up and down the functional silos. The ideas from the books want to flow across the organization.
The missing link is how to change the organizational structure. To provide the solution SignalRoad has created to websites; 1/ Unlocking change a BookCast and 2/ Frequently Asked Questions for Organizations.
Please take a look and if you want to discuss any of what we have shared please reach out to info@signalroad.com
UnlockingChange a BookCast that pulls together the lessons, ideas, case studies we find in the business books and academic research. It seeks to explain why change is locked and how to make progress to our desired state.
FAQS for Orgs is where we answer common questions like: “Why can’t we make decisions?”, “Why do we hire the wrong leaders?”, “Why am I always in meetings?”.
Giving Hope, The Journey of the For-Purpose Organisation and Its Quest for Success is a book I co-authored with Peter Dalton and uses case studies of Oxfam, Plan International and Mater Foundation to highlight the ideas of SignalRoad.
Thank you,